Submit your complaint

Some guidelines to help you describe your report.

  • Tell us what happened. please provide as much detail as possible.
  • On what date did this situation occur or when is it scheduled to occur?
  • Where did this happen? could you inform us of the sector of the company or specific location?
  • What are the names and positions of the accused individuals?
  • What is the relationship of the accused with the company?
  • Do you have any witnesses to indicate? please inform us of the name and position of this person?
  • How did you become aware of this situation?
  • Do you know why this situation occurred?
  • Is the company aware of this situation? if so, could you inform us of the names of the people who know?
  • If possible, do you have an estimate of the damage caused by this situation?
  • Would it be possible to send evidence (emails, audios, videos, images, etc.) to prove what was reported? if so, please include the files by clicking on the "clips" icon below.

We need your email to contact you if you have any questions.

Would you also like to provide your phone number? this information will also help us contact you if necessary. But don\'t worry, your data is protected according to our data usage policy.
